Hatchery Technician


The Hatchery Technician will be involved in general management and carrying out of the day today activities of the hatchery to ensure proper and efficient fry collection, nursing and broodstock care with good survival and growth.

The target goals are to decrease mortalities to less than 5%, and complete all transfers before 12 noon


  • Carry out fish sampling and grading to determine the average body weight of a certain batch of fish.
  • Successfully conditioning of fingerings and broodstock for transfer to the main hatchery.
  • Carry out Fish breeding and fry harvesting from the ponds.
  • Ensure fish are fed everyday according to management recommendation.
  • Attain management desired ABW and Survival rates.
  • Always ensure mortalities are picked from ponds before feeding.
  • Adhere to health and safety regulations in ponds at all times.
  • Ensure proper Data/record keeping.
  • Ensure that DOs and Temperature readings are acceptable in all ponds before feeding.
  • Promote good housekeeping practices. Including; cleanliness of the work surroundings as well as cleaning of Hatchery equipment and disinfection.
  • Avoid wastage of resources e.g spilling feed outside the hapas.
  • Install feed barriers and making sure it is up ALWAYS at the end of the day.
  • Participate in Hapa Installation.
  • Carry out Hapa inspection and ensure proper storage of fish.
  • All transport tanks and transport materials should be clean, and all connections should be ready and tested/confirmed for functionality.
  • Tank preparation executed- tanks positioned on truck, with oxygen, regulators, flowmeter, diffuser attached with no leaks before any transport from the hatchery.
  • Saturate the water of the transport tank 100%
  • Perform any other duties assigned by the Supervisor / Line Manager.


  1. Diploma in Fisheries & Aquaculture Management
  2. 1 year experience in hatchery.
  3. Knowledge of broodstock management is an added advantage
  4. Good in basic mathematics
  5. Strong interpersonal, communication skills
  6. Strong analytical skills
  7. Good organization skills
  8. Ability to work unsupervised and under pressure
  9. High degree of accuracy and attention to detail
  10. Able to swim
  11. Experienced is a plus
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Kevin Muhereza
Kevin Muhereza
Articles: 56